Technical and business support for small and micro companies

Employing a consultant for a specific task or a short project can be expensive - for large businesses, this expense would pay for itself (or should) relatively quickly. However for small and micro businesses, that expense would hit the cashflow immediately and sometimes quite hard.

When I set up my consultancy, my idea was to be able to provide a high standard of support to artisan, small and micro businesses who are not able to afford a full time technical, production or operation manager. I am offering a retainer contract for businesses who can therefore spread the cost of my services over a period of time - the support that I offer during this period can be on-site support for a day or even half-a-day at a time, or remote by phone or e-mail and can be by the hour.

The duration of the support, the length of the contract and the cost is agreed ahead, ensuring that you are in full control of your monthly spending and still have access to high standards advice whenever you need it.